About Kalamuna
We partner with socially impactful institutions to help them solve today’s most pressing problems.
We created Kalamuna in Oakland, California in 2012. We opened our second office in Toronto, Ontario in 2020. We work as a distributed team with the sharpest talent across the continent, blending digital expertise with genuine passion and care. Together, we empower our clients and partners with research and strategy, design and content, web development, and website support, so they can better serve their internal team and external community.
At Kalamuna, people are at the heart of everything we do.
Our time on this earth is limited and we have a commitment to leave it better than we found it. That’s why Kalamuna works almost exclusively with mission-driven organizations. The best way to live up to our values is to act upon them.
Our vision
Kalamuna works toward a world in which each citizen’s ability to engage and transform social institutions is augmented by technologies they understand and fully control.
Our commitment to innovation and open source
Kalamuna has a long history of delivering valuable open source products, like Kalabox (now-Lando). We’ve also authored numerous plugins, libraries and modules used far and wide. We help to motivate action by organizing, sponsoring, and delivering sessions and trainings at events in the open source community. Our dedicated R&D program advances trailblazing solutions for the common good, often in collaboration with our industry partners.
Our certifications and designations
- California Certified Green Business
- Small Business SB(micro) certified with the State of California #2009467
- SLEB certified with the County of Alameda #15-00075
- SLBE with the City of Oakland #7672
- VSLBE certified with the Alameda CTC
- SBE certified by BART #1402
I can't say we've ever worked with an agency as thoughtful, creative, skillful, responsive, and collaborative as Kalamuna.