Accessibility Statement

Kalamuna is committed to accessibility. It is our policy to ensure that everyone—including persons with disabilities—has full and equal access to our digital offerings.

Digital accessibility means that websites, tools, and technologies are designed and developed so that people with disabilities can perceive, understand, navigate, and interact with them.

Kalamuna strives to meet the following accessibility standards for this website:

Beyond WCAG conformance, creating a website experience that aligns with user needs is a foundational approach to improving digital inclusivity. From Discovery all the way through to implementation, we are focused on usability and equity in the work that we do.

Kalamuna urges you to make your website accessible to all. Though we may link to other sites, we cannot guarantee they fully comply with web accessibility standards. If you do encounter difficulties there, please reach out to the website owners and ask them to comply with accessibility recommendations, or connect with us so we can help them do better.

If you find any aspect of Kalamuna's website inaccessible or difficult to use, please contact [email protected]


Learn more about web accessibility.

Read some of our accessibility-focused blog posts and talks