How-to: Using Drupal-Project to Craft Your Perfect Start State

Derek "Hawkeye Tenderwolf" DeRaps
| April 3, 2018
Image of text that reads ".composter + drupalproj + you."



The drupal-project repository is quickly becoming the de facto starter for all Drupal 8 projects. So how can you quickly spin up a new site with Composer and drupal-project? How do you take drupal-project and customize it to suit your particular needs? And, how do you leverage post-install tasks to keep yourself DRY? This February I gave a talk at DrupalCamp Florida where I got into all of these questions. Get clicking to see my answers and watch the video of my talk.

In putting together my DrupalCamp Florida talk, I wanted to help people save time, follow best practices, make their own development experience more enjoyable, and look cool in the process. (Super important.) You’ll probably get a lot out of watching the video of my session if:

  • You've been wanting to try out Composer

  • You already use Composer but want to learn more about the best practices

  • You frequently spin up new sites, whether for module development, agency work, or for funzies

  • You're thinking about using one of the popular distributions (e.g., Lightning) and wonder if there's a better option

  • You are a Composer expert, so you can tell me all about my mistakes ;)

Thanks for watching. If you have any questions, you can hit me up at [email protected] or on d.o.

Derek DeRaps

Derek DeRaps

Former Senior Architect

The Masters of the Internet hath decreed that a champion web weaver must lead the progression of technology and science, and Kalamuna has followed suit by offering two-wheeling Derek DeRaps to the fast-paced arena of ever-changing requirements and challenges. With a fierce gaze and unrelenting laughter, he smashes our client’s worries and sorrows away in heroic fashion.