Why We Put Mother Jones Mag on Facebook Instant Articles

by | November 17, 2016
Mother Jones and facebook icon



Mother Jones is a politically progressive American magazine reporting on politics, the environment, human rights, and culture. The magazine tapped Kalamuna to increase their social media presence by adopting the new Facebook Instant Articles standard, which delivers incredibly fast and immersive reading experiences for people on Facebook, making mobile browsing quick and easy. In fact, Facebook Instant Articles:

  • Load 10 times faster than standard mobile web articles.

  • Make readers 70% less likely to abandon an article.

  • Get shared ~30% more often than other mobile web articles.


Mother Jones on iPhone


So, we’re obviously all for implementing this for our clients.

And we did it for Mother Jones because we like them and we believe in their mission.

And it’s easy to do. In the case of Mother Jones, allowing Facebook Instant Articles to consume their content meant integrating Drupal and the Instant Articles Service API. Kalamuna members Andrew Ward, Derek DeRaps, and myself worked directly with their team to adapt their content in a way that Facebook Instant Articles would understand.

They're now using the service, so when you browse Mother Jones on Facebook, you retrieve articles extremely quickly, despite bandwidth limitations on your phone. See Instant Articles at Facebook for more information on how it can help your site.

Rob Loach

Rob Loach

Assoc. Director of Research & Innovation

When web projects get tough, the one and only Rob Loach just gets more emboldened. As a Assoc. Director of Research and Innovation with a keen interest in project management, he's an unstoppable double-threat who eviscerates all obstacles. Whether architecting complex web applications or leading a team scrum, Rob is always on the front-lines at Kalamuna.